BKR Coaching

Dobby is a free elf - Dobby

5 February 2023

Meeting My Dobby

At every full moon, I journal about the thoughts, feelings and habits I want to release. I also list everything I am grateful for in my blessed life. Then I get my BBQ set out and burn the paper and watch my negative thoughts fizzle into ashes.

I discovered that I don't have a lot of negative thoughts. And that was when I sensed a little creature, whispering - "But something is bound to go wrong. What could that be?"
That little creature is like Dobby, who tried to keep Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts because he knew Voldemort was coming for him in the Chamber of Secrets. Although Dobby's heart was in the right place, his actions caused Harry distress and discomfort.
But once Dobby gained confidence and became a free elf, he was the fiercest of allies for Harry and his friends.
I met my Dobby today. And I want to show him that he can be a free elf. I know that he is there to protect me and he will do whatever it takes when it comes down to it.

With that in mind, I will go get my BBQ set and burn my lists.

Sending you loving kindness,


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